Here you can find gasstations with updated prices in last 48 hours.

Tamoil Schlieren

Schlieren, Bernstr. 31

Fuel Price
Diesel 2,000 CHF/l

the prices were provided by a user on 9.05.2024 19:01

BP Coldrerio

Coldrerio, San Giorgio 37

Fuel Price
Eurosuper 2,404 CHF/l
Diesel 2,455 CHF/l

the prices were provided by a user on 9.05.2024 15:56

Fuelo makes all possible effort to provide accurate information about prices and petrol stations at the time of its posting, but does not guarantee that the informaton is up-to-date. The information published should not be used to make decisions. Fuelo is not responsible for any actions, taken on the basis of the information published in our website.