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Geb. Riga
PLZ LV-2164
Vidlauku iela 1, Stapriņi


Barzahlung Kartenterminal DKV UTA

Sonstige Dienstleistungen

AdBlue Wi-Fi Restaurant Autowäsche Dusche

foursquare   google places 4.5

Treibstoff Preis
miles 95 1,664 €/L
Дизелово гориво miles D 1,604 €/L
Бензин А98 milesPLUS 98 1,724 €/L
milesPLUS D 1,699 €/L

die Preise wurden von einem Fuelo.net Nutzer zur Verfügung gestellt 1.07.2024г. 3:55

Viktor Bobr
Google Places© на 12.08.2020

Бесплатний паркинг и рядом лидо и магазин

Toms Minkevics
Google Places© на 16.07.2020

VR iedzert kafiju

Juris Grigorjevs
Google Places© на 16.07.2020

Ātri ērti izdevīgi

Vladislavs Hillers
Google Places© на 24.02.2020

Ļļoti dārgi ....

Arturs Alakins
Google Places© на 11.01.2020

loti patikams personals, garshigi hotdogi, vnk viss patik!

Jānis Lazdāns
Google Places© на 21.12.2019

Viss darbojas labi.

Wieczny Turysta
Google Places© на 10.12.2019

Dobra stacja na zatrzymanie się przed Rygą na toaletę (tylko dwa oczka). Parking na kilka dużych aut i kilka małych. Po drugiej stronie ulicy jest Rimi i kilka innych sklepów.

Алексей Курусь
Google Places© на 14.11.2019

Есть тихая и спокойная и бесплатная стоянка для грузовиков, бесплатный Wi Fi

K. Johansons
Google Places© на 26.09.2019

Viss ir labi

Veiko Koppel
Google Places© на 09.08.2019

Tavaline CirkleK. Eesti soodukad ka toimivad.

Veiko Koppel
Google Places© на 09.08.2019

Tavaline CirkleK. Eesti soodukad ka toimivad.

Mikus Vilsons
Google Places© на 08.08.2019

Degvielas uzpildes stacija / Fuel station

Veiko Kuristik
Google Places© на 31.07.2019

Teenindus alla nulli.

Robert Strakis
Google Places© на 17.04.2019

Всё нормально, но только один туалет на транзитной дороге!!!

Kristaps Eglītis
Google Places© на 11.04.2019

Laba pieturvieta pa celam ara galdina pasedesanai

Michael Woodall
Google Places© на 31.03.2019

I was so happy with how I was treated in the Circle K. I went there to purchase some drinks for people and needed them in bulk. After starting to grab them off the rack the register lady helped us get cases of the drinks from the back and make it easier to get. I was very happy with this and it saved us so much time. Overall though, the treatment was fantastic and it was the only place nearby that had a number of drinks and snacks that I liked The location was great too because it has the easy turnaround back onto the A1 or back to Adazi. Thank you for your hospitality.

Michael Woodall
Google Places© на 31.03.2019

I was so happy with how I was treated in the Circle K. I went there to purchase some drinks for people and needed them in bulk. After starting to grab them off the rack the register lady helped us get cases of the drinks from the back and make it easier to get. I was very happy with this and it saved us so much time. Overall though, the treatment was fantastic and it was the only place nearby that had a number of drinks and snacks that I liked The location was great too because it has the easy turnaround back onto the A1 or back to Adazi. Thank you for your hospitality.

Santa Bishkjit
Google Places© на 14.03.2019

Es nezinu, kā sauca meiteni, blondo, kura pēc mana lūguma, uztaisīt pliku siermaizi, uztaisīja superīgu veģetāru maizīti, paldies, ļoti garšīgi! Manam vīram gaļēdājam, pagaršojot, pat ļoti gāja pie sirds! ;) paldies! Ps apkalpojošais personāls lielisks un draudzīgs!

Aleksandr Kalnitski
Google Places© на 04.01.2019

Приветливый работник, большой ассортимент товара!

Google Places© на 31.12.2018

Veca maize hotdogam reali ir pelejums salauza desu, karoch mesls neperkat hotdogus un benzinu zvanat man es pardosu labak.

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